Abnormal visual event-related potentials in obsessive-compulsive disorder without panic disorder or depression comorbidity




Di Russo F, Zaccara G, Ragazzoni A, Pallanti S.



J Psychiatr Res. 2000 Jan-Feb;34(1):75-82.



Visual event-related potentials and spline map topography during a discriminative response task (DRT) were studied in 8 obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) patients without comorbidity for panic disorder or depression and in 12 age-matched controls. In the DRT task (like in a go/no-go task) the subject had to press a button when the target stimuli appeared and had to retain the response when the non-target stimulus appeared (vertical bars were intermixed with an equal probability of horizontals). OC patients had greater N1 latency than controls and their N1 and P3 amplitude was larger for the target stimuli, but not for non-target stimuli. In the normals, non-target stimuli (no-go task) produced a larger activation than target stimuli (go task). In the OCD patients the target stimuli produced the same large activation as the non-target. These findings are consistent with theories that consider OCD to be an attentional disorder deriving from a misallocating of cognitive resources. Moreover, spline map topography confirmed that P3 hyperactivation is localised principally on the frontal lobes.